We are beyond excited to announce that the Pen Florida District of the Assemblies of God has endorsed the official launch of the Pen Florida Foster Care Network. As was mentioned in Monday’s afternoon session at District Council, there are “21,000 reasons” to be a part of this movement, because there are approximately 21,000 children in the foster care system in our great state!
During the Wisdom Conference, our panel included two AG churches who have launched a foster care ministry, two US foster care missionaries, Stephen Hogue and Ted Stackpole, and Erik Dellenback, leading the Governors Faith and Community based initiative in Florida.
If you were not at the Wisdom Conference on Monday, we discussed these four levels of commitment:
SPEAK UP/Express the Need
Let’s pray for, preach about, teach on, and advocate for children and families in foster care and for our government and agency partners.
DONATE ITEMS/Empower the Need
Donate items to support foster care families, like – bunk beds, clothing, and meals.
Donate your time to provide babysitting, transportation, meals, or respite.
OPEN YOUR HEART/Experience the Need
Prayerfully consider being a foster or adoptive parent.
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Ted Stackpole or Stephen Hogue
**If you missed the Wisdom Conference session detailing the Pen Florida Foster Care Network, you may watch that session here: https://www.penflorida.org/district-council-2023-services/.
Also please consider attending the AG Foster Care Network Conference in Dallas, November 30 – December 1, 2023. https://www.agfostercare.network/conference2023/
We thank God for the opportunity to serve Florida’s vulnerable children, with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ!