Active Churches

*Information as of July printing of the Annual Yearbook.

About PenFlorida District

The General Council of the Assemblies of God recognizes fifty-eight distinct districts. The Peninsular Florida District Council was formed in 1925. Today, the Peninsular Florida District Council (PenFlorida) serves the peninsula of Florida from the Suwanee River to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Georgia border to Key West. PenFlorida also serves churches in the US Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands making it the only US district with churches on foreign soil.

The district is just one of many districts of the General Council of the Assemblies of God. PenFlorida is home to over 300 churches and over 1300 ministers.


Terry Raburn
PenFlorida District

District Council brings us together in celebration

District Council is an inspiring celebration of our fellowship and brotherhood of ministry. This year’s council was filled with words of challenge and encouragement. If you missed District Council, watch the services on our video feed.

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