News and Updates

Assistant Superintendent Scott Young Elected to EP

Congratulations! Congratulations are in order to our very own Assistant Superintendent, Scott Young, who was elected to the office of General Council Nonresident Executive Presbyter Southeast Area by the General Presbytery in session on Monday, August 5th. Pastor Scott will fill the vacancy left by Rick Ross who is now serving as the Executive [...]

2024-08-07T11:30:50-04:00August 7th, 2024|

2024 Fall Luncheon Cruise

Venue:   StarLite Cruises Boat Venue Phone: (727) 462.2628 Venue Website: Address: 3400 Pasadena Ave S, South Pasadena, Florida, 33707, United States

2024-08-19T13:50:05-04:00July 26th, 2024|

Passing of Missionary Reverend William David Lee, Sr.

Reverend William D. (David)  Lee, Sr. July 2, 1938 – July 15, 2024 It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Missionary Reverend William D. "David' Lee, Sr. Visitation will be held Friday, July 19th, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Victory Church in Lakeland, FL, followed by the service [...]

2024-07-16T13:32:49-04:00July 16th, 2024|
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