
Finish Strong

Adult Ministries

I believe this department should be a powerful arm of the work and ministry of the Peninsular Florida District Council. This age group, from 50 and over, makes up the largest contingent in our district. They have the capacity to do many things and have the talents and skills that only come through many years of serving the kingdom of God. Our goal is to empower the local Adult Ministries Department to be the Church’s strongest support, people that can be counted on as Moses counted on Aaron and Hur. We, now, are making plans for activities that will fully utilize these strengths and skills, and make this department a powerful part of the Pen-Florida District.

I hope that as you browse the website, you will find information along with links to various resources that will be beneficial to you. Let me know how we can assist you in your local ministry.

R. Ken Pippin
PFDC Adult Ministries Director

Connecting and Reaching!

One significant way that PF Adult Ministries reaches the community is through connecting. It is our goal to connect adults at the local level as well as district-wide. To that end we have made several resources available for adults to connect.

God NEVER intended us to be alone! EVER!

Whether you pastor, lead a ministry of your church, facilitate a small group, or just need someone to talk to, you can find a partner here! Adult Ministries partners with various organizations and resources in an effort to strengthen each other in our personal journeys and support effective ministries.

Contact Us!

We would love to hear fro you! Please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns, or suggestions!


1437 E. Memorial Blvd
Lakeland, FL  33802



Sectional Representatives

VacantSection 1 Rep
VacantSection 2 Rep
VacantSection 3 Rep
Lyn WedderburnSection 4 Rep
VacantSection 5 Rep
VacantSection 6 Rep
Frank PrestigiacomoSection 7 Rep
Eddie LambSection 8 Rep
VacantSection 9 Rep
Valorie ChapmanSection 10 Rep
Richard CookeSection 11 Rep
VacantSection 12 Rep
VacantSection 13 Rep
VacantSection 14 Rep
Teresa WilcoxSection 15 Rep
VacantSection 16 Rep
VacantSection 13 Rep

Charter Information

Mature adults are encouraged not only to be served but to serve the Lord by using their gifts, talents, and abilities in ministry opportunities.

One means to accomplish these goals is through the department’s chartering program. Identify your mature adults with the district department. Join with other Fellowships to reach, teach, and challenge other mature adults in Pen-Florida communities.

Remember that the charter renewal deadline is November 30 of each year.